Interface MappingResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MappingResolver

Provides the mapping descriptor for Java classes. The engines use resolvers to obtain the mapping descriptor for a particular Java class, or to list all the known descriptors. Although the interface is identical, each engine will use a resolver that returns class descriptor suitable for that particular engine. Resolvers are immutable and engines need not cache the returned descriptors.

$Revision: $ $Date: 2003/03/03 07:08:28 $
Assaf Arkin

Method Summary
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Returns the class loader associated with this mapping resolver if one was specified.
 ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(java.lang.Class javaClass)
          Returns the class descriptor for the specified Java class.
 java.util.Enumeration listDescriptors()
          Returns an enumeration of all the known descriptors.
 java.util.Enumeration listJavaClasses()
          Returns an enumeration of all the supported Java classes.

Method Detail


public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(java.lang.Class javaClass)
Returns the class descriptor for the specified Java class. In no such descriptor exists, returns null.

javaClass - The Java class
A suitable class descriptor or null


public java.util.Enumeration listDescriptors()
Returns an enumeration of all the known descriptors. Each element is of type ClassDescriptor.


public java.util.Enumeration listJavaClasses()
Returns an enumeration of all the supported Java classes. Each element is of type java.lang.Class, and for each such class a suitable descriptor exists.


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Returns the class loader associated with this mapping resolver if one was specified. This is the class loader used to load all the classes mapped by this mapping resolver. May be null if no class loader was specified or in certain JVMs.

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