Serialized Form

Package org.exolab.castor.dsml

Class org.exolab.castor.dsml.ImportDescriptor extends org.xml.sax.HandlerBase implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.util.Hashtable _policies


boolean _insideRoot

Class org.exolab.castor.dsml.ImportExportException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Class org.exolab.castor.dsml.SearchDescriptor extends org.xml.sax.HandlerBase implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int _scope


java.lang.String _baseDN


java.lang.String _filter


java.util.Vector _returnAttrs


java.lang.StringBuffer _attrName


boolean _insideRoot

Package org.exolab.castor.jdo

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.DatabaseNotFoundException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.DataObjectAccessException extends java.lang.RuntimeException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.DuplicateIdentityException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.FatalPersistenceException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.JDO extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String _dbConf
Tthe URL of the database configuration file. If the URL is specified, the first attempt to load a database of this type will use the specified configuration file.


org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.LogInterceptor _logInterceptor
Deprecated. There is no need for this member due to the implementation of Log4J which is controlled via the file.

The log intercpetor to which all logging and tracing messages will be sent.

See Also:


org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.CallbackInterceptor _callback
The callback interceptor to which all persistent state events to be sent.


org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.InstanceFactory _instanceFactory
The instance factory to which create a new instance of data object


int _lockTimeout
The lock timeout for this database. Zero for immediate timeout, an infinite value for no timeout. The timeout is specified in seconds.


java.lang.String _dbName
The name of this database.


java.lang.String _description
Description of this database.


java.lang.String _tmName
The look up name for a transaction manager.


TransactionManager tm
The transaction manager


java.lang.ClassLoader _classLoader
The application class loader.


org.xml.sax.EntityResolver _entityResolver
The resolver can be used to resolve cached entities, e.g. for external mapping documents.


org.exolab.castor.jdo.engine.TxDatabaseMap _txDbPool
The transactions to databases map for database pooling


boolean _autoStore

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.LockNotGrantedException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectDeletedException extends ObjectNotPersistentException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectModifiedException extends TransactionAbortedException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectNotFoundException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectNotPersistentException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.QueryException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.TransactionAbortedException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.jdo.TransactionNotInProgressException extends PersistenceException implements Serializable

Package org.exolab.castor.mapping

Class org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Class org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingRuntimeException extends java.lang.IllegalStateException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Throwable _exception
The exception which caused this Exception

Class org.exolab.castor.mapping.ValidityException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _except

Package org.exolab.castor.types

Class org.exolab.castor.types.AnyNode extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


short _nodeType
The type of the current node. ELEMENT is the default value.


AnyNode _nextSiblingNode
The next sibling of this AnyNode


AnyNode _firstChildNode
The first child of this AnyNode


java.lang.String _localName
the local name of the current node.


java.lang.String _uri
the Namespace URI of the current node


java.lang.String _prefix
The prefix of the Namespace


java.lang.String _value
The value of this node defined as follow:

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Century extends TimePeriod implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Date extends DateTimeBase implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.DateTimeBase extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


short _century
The century field


short _year
The year field


short _month
The month field


short _day
The day field


short _hour
the hour field


short _minute
the minute field


short _second
the second field


short _millsecond
the millsecond field


short _zoneHour
the time zone hour field


short _zoneMinute
the time zone minute field


boolean _UTC
true if this date/time type is UTC related


boolean _zoneNegative
true if the time zone is negative


boolean _isNegative
true if this date/time type is negative

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Duration extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


short _year
the number of years


short _month
the number of months


short _day
the number of days


short _hour
the number of hours


short _minute
the number of minutes


short _second
the number of seconds


short _millisecond
the potential number of milliseconds


boolean _isNegative
true if the Duration is negative

Class org.exolab.castor.types.GDay extends GMonthDay implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.GMonth extends GMonthDay implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.GMonthDay extends Date implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.GYear extends GYearMonth implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.GYearMonth extends Date implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Month extends TimePeriod implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.OperationNotSupportedException extends java.lang.RuntimeException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.RecurringDuration extends RecurringDurationBase implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


short _century


short _year


short _month


short _day

Class org.exolab.castor.types.RecurringDurationBase extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


TimeDuration _period
the period facet of this recurringDuration


TimeDuration _duration
the duration facet of this recurringDuration


short _hour
the hour field of this recurringDuration -1 means that the field has been omitted (cf section 4.5 of ISO 8601)


short _minute
the minute field of this recurringDuration -1 means that the field has been omitted (cf section 4.5 of ISO 8601)


short _second
the second field of this recurringDuration -1 means that the field has been omitted (cf section 4.5 of ISO 8601)


short _millsecond
the millsecond field of this recurringDuration


short _zoneHour
the time zone hour field of this recurringDuration


short _zoneMinute
the time zone minute field of this recurringDuration


boolean _UTC
true if this recurringDuration is UTC related


boolean _zoneNegative


boolean _isNegative

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Time extends DateTimeBase implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.TimeDuration extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


short _year
the number of years


short _month
the number of months


short _day
the number of days


short _hour
the number of hours


short _minute
the number of minutes


short _second
the number of seconds


short _millisecond
the potential number of milliseconds


boolean _isNegative
true if the Time Duration is negative

Class org.exolab.castor.types.TimeInstant extends RecurringDuration implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.TimePeriod extends RecurringDuration implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.types.Year extends TimePeriod implements Serializable

Package org.exolab.castor.xml

Class org.exolab.castor.xml.CastorException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int _errorCode
The error code for this Exception


java.lang.String _message
The message for this Exception

Class org.exolab.castor.xml.FileLocation extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String _filename


int _line


int _col

Class org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException extends XMLException implements Serializable

Class org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException extends CastorException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _exception
A nested exception


Location _location
The location for this Exception


ValidationException _next
The next exception in the list, allows for reporting of several validation exceptions

Class org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLException extends CastorException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Exception _exception
A nested exception


Location _location
The location for this Exception

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